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#> Warning in fun(libname, pkgname): /home/runner/
#> already exists, but option `` was unset.


Installation is covered in the Installation vignette.

Storage configuration

Unless the [] package (included in the list of suggested packages in the DESCRIPTION file of this package) is installed and successfully attached, then the option must be set correctly.

The path described in the option is used for storing spatial raster and vector data that is needed for to be useful.

By default, if this option is NULL is set to path.expand("~/").

Setup for simulation

[SVEIRD.BayesianDataAssimilation] is used with an object referred to as layers. This SpatRaster-classed object contains layers for each of the compartments in an SVEIRD simulation.

Raster aggregation

[getSVEIRD.SpatRaster] is the function used to aggregate a SpatRaster, and it will call [maskAndClassifySusceptibleSpatRaster] for the user, masking it with the provided SpatVector object. This is the easiest way to aggregate a SpatRaster object for use with Aggregation without this function, id est using terra::aggregate on a SpatRaster beforehand, will lead to inaccurate results, because the aggregationFactor argument of [getSVEIRD.SpatRaster] and [SVEIRD.BayesianDataAssimilation] is used throughout various parts of the algorithm.

If this approach to aggregation does not meet your needs, please contact the maintainer of the package and request a feature enhancement that meeds your needs, or fork the project and modify it to your needs.

It’s recommended to define a variable, rasterAggregationFactor, to pass to both [SVEIRD.BayesianDataAssimilation] and [getSVEIRD.SpatRaster] to ensure it is the same. See the examples for the former function.

Preparing seed data

Seed data is required in a wide format; see the [initialInfections.fourCities] data description for its shape. The Location variable is the names of cities, which should be found within the names of the SpatVector provided to [getSVEIRD.SpatRaster].